I love that image with the buzz saw. Fantastic.

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Barbara does the images. Surprisingly hard to get what you have in your mind.

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There were 18 of us gathered for thanksgiving this year which was composed of my 90 year old mom, myself, my middle brother and his wife and his and my combined children and grandchildren. With eighteen people and the food we had to breakup into groups so we didn't actually eat together except that it was at the same time in three different rooms. With all of that hubbub I couldn't say we actually got around to too much else other than individual brief conversations and banter and a bit of guitar playing at the end. Then it was time to go. My youngest brother had thanksgiving with his wife's family. We brothers are 5 years apart from each other so in a way we all grew up as only children except my middle brother because he grew up with our forth brother who died from an accident when he was 9 years old. They two were close in age - about a year apart. So in many ways the remaining three of us lived out own lives with our own friends, etc. Hence not a lot of sibling rivalry or drama between us for the most part. They all stayed in Saint Louis, I left at 19 years old and never returned except to visit now and then.

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